Networking Support Scheme (NSS) Event: 5th European Aniridia Conference

  • 31 July 2021 - 10:00
  • Online

The 5th European Aniridia Conference is being organised to enable the sharing of scientific knowledge about the rare genetic eye condition aniridia to prevent sight loss and deal with aniridia’s effects. This workshop has received funding support from the EJP RD’s Networking Support Scheme (NSS) funding opportunity.

The fully online conference will take place over two days from July 31st – August 1st from 10.00 – 18.30 CET.

The conference brings together patients and the world’s top experts to upskill the clinical, research and aniridic communities. The organisers welcome aniridia patients and their families as well as professionals such as ophthalmologistresearchervision scientist or geneticist.

The conference agenda features a keynote address by Dr. Tony Moore.

More information and registration here: