IHI Call Days – calls 4 & 5

  • 19 June 2023 - 16:00
  • Online

To provide potential applicants of the Call 4 and Call 5 with the necessary information and assistance, The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) has organized the IHI Call Days, scheduled to take place online from June 19 to June 29. These informative sessions will cover the details of calls 4 and 5. The IHI Call Days aim to provide potential applicants with the information they need to put together a strong proposal, and give them the opportunity to identify and meet partners for their consortia.

Registration is open here.

The event will feature:

  1. Info sessions on IHI’s rules and procedures for both calls
  2. An info session on the financial aspects of the single-stage proposal (for call 5 applicants)
  3. Sessions on the call topics. All topic sessions will include a presentation of the topic and time for questions and answers. In addition, the webinars on the call 5 topics will include pitches from applicants.

You can access the platform and hold matchmaking meetings via the platform at any time until the deadline for submitting proposals. You can access a detailed guide on how to use the matchmaking platform here.

Agenda and more information here.