Joint Transnational Call 2016 (JTC2016) HCQ4Surfdefect Griese, Matthias (Coordinator)Dr. Von Hauner Children’s Hospital, University of Munich [GERMANY]Moreno Galdó, AntonioHospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron [SPAIN]Krenke, KatarzynaMedical University of Warsaw [POLAND]Cutrera, RenatoBambino Gesù Children Hospital [ITALY]Kiper, NuralHacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine [TURKEY]Szépfalusi, ZsoltMedical University of Vienna [AUSTRIA]Bandeira, TeresaCentro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, Hospital de Santa Maria [PORTUGAL]Kronfeld, KaiMedical School of the University Mainz [GERMANY]